"Pronoun shifts" also known as "shifts in point of view" involve the inconsistent matching of pronouns, either in terms of person and number. Within a single sentence (and perhaps within an entire paragraph or essay), the first person should be matched with the first person, the second person with the second person and the third person with the third person. A common mistake involves matching the third person "one" or "a person" with the second person you. Another mistake involves matching the third person singular "he," "she," "one" or "a person" with the third person plural "they."
Incorrect: To know that person can't vote is to know that you don't have a voice.
Correct: To know that a person can't vote is to know that a person/he/she/one doesn't have a voice.
Incorrect: One cannot really understand another country until they have studied its history and culture.
Correct: One cannot really understand another country until one has studied its history and culture.
Incorrect: To know that person can't vote is to know that you don't have a voice.
Correct: To know that a person can't vote is to know that a person/he/she/one doesn't have a voice.
Incorrect: One cannot really understand another country until they have studied its history and culture.
Correct: One cannot really understand another country until one has studied its history and culture.
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