Wednesday, 28 November 2018

Me or I

How do you know whether to use 'me' or 'I'.
Consider this sentence:
My mother and I talked about my sister and me.
I'll tell you a trick about this 
Take the first part of the sentence - My Mother and I , drop the words 'My Mother' and then use it with the verb 'talked' 
Which sounds correct 'me talked' or 'I talked' ? Obviously 'I talked'  so you go for 'My Mother and I'. Then let's look at the second part of the sentence- 'about my sister and me' . Now drop the words 'my sister and' and look at the sentence
'My Mother and I talked about me',
now check it out with 'I'  
'My Mother and I talked about I'
'I' sounds distinctively out of place here.
That's how you can decide and you will never go wrong.

Wednesday, 21 November 2018


This word is defined as a distinctive way of pronouncing a language , especially one associated with a particular country , area or social class. When you learn a language , the muscles of your tongue learn to say the words of that particular language.
When they learn another language, the muscles of your tongue do not completely erase this 'muscle memory' and that is where an accent develops.

Generally, when one uses this new language often it also has an effect on the language that you learnt earlier, but that is to a lesser extent.

Accents have both positive and negative reactions; on the one hand they make it difficult for a listener to immediately understand what you are saying, but on the other hand it is useful for the listener to recognise the place from where you originated.

Usually, a listener can understand you when you speak repeatedly with them but till the time that they get used to your accent  you can achieve concept communication by speaking slowly and clearly as possible . 

Wednesday, 7 November 2018

Funny childhood thoughts

This is from an actual compilation:
" I was three when my mother taught me the song  'Silent Night', with the line 'Sleep in heavenly peace'. I thought that when you went to heaven, you slept on a bed of peas, and if you got hungry, you could eat them. Peas were my favourite vegetable, so heaven sounded really good - Gigi" 

Tuesday, 6 November 2018

Proper Adjectives

Okay, so what is this ? Does it mean that there are improper adjectives also? Of course, there are a multitude of them! Every abuse is one! In this case, we are referring to something quite different- we are referring to adjectives that refer to:-

  •  a person's name, 
  • a specific place or countries, 
  • company names, 
  • brands, 
  • titles of books , movies, songs or other creative works, 
  • names of religions,
  • nationalities,
  • months,
  • days of the week and holidays.
e.g. Their Malaysian neighbour owned an Alfa-Romeo Sports car .